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Tradable Equity: A New Frontier for Investment

Tradable equity represents a novel approach for businesses, including cooperatives, to access capital markets. This method involves issuing shares that are tradable on public stock exchanges, offering investors both liquidity and potential financial return.

Key Features of Tradable Equity

  • Public Trading: Shares are listed on a stock exchange, allowing for buying and selling just like any publicly traded company.
  • Liquidity for Investors: Tradable equity provides investors with the option to liquidate their holdings, offering flexibility and accessibility.
  • Attracting a Diverse Investor Base: By being publicly traded, a wider range of investors can participate, from individual retail investors to large institutions.

Potential Benefits of Tradable Equity

  • Access to Capital: Companies can tap into a larger pool of funds available in public markets.
  • Increased Visibility: Being publicly traded can enhance a company's profile and credibility.
  • Flexibility in Capital Structure: Tradable equity offers companies the flexibility to raise capital without taking on debt.


  • Regulatory Compliance: Companies must adhere to strict regulatory requirements, including disclosures and financial reporting.
  • Investor Relations: Managing a broader investor base requires effective communication and transparency. For businesses contemplating a move to tradable equity, it's essential to weigh the benefits against the responsibilities and costs associated with being a publicly traded entity.

A Cooperative Public Market

For existing cooperatives, issuing tradable equity presents an opportunity to expand and diversify their funding sources while maintaining their cooperative principles. This approach allows cooperatives to list shares on public stock exchanges, offering new avenues for growth and investment.

How We See it Working for Cooperatives in the Future

  • Issuing Tradable Shares: Cooperatives issue shares that are listed on a stock exchange, enabling public trading.
  • Preserving Cooperative Identity: Even as a publicly traded entity, cooperatives can maintain their values and member-driven approach through structures like restricted voting rights for investor shares.
  • Balancing Member and Investor Interests: Careful structuring of share classes can ensure that the cooperative's governance remains true to its original mission while providing financial returns to investors.

Potential Advantages for Cooperatives

  • Enhanced Financial Capacity: Access to public markets could significantly boost a cooperative’s ability to raise capital for growth and expansion.
  • Diversification of Funding Sources: Reduces reliance on traditional cooperative funding sources, providing financial resilience.
  • Broader Investment Appeal: Tradable equity could attract a wider range of investors who are interested in supporting cooperative models.

Key Considerations

  • Maintaining Cooperative Values: It's crucial to structure the share issuance in a way that aligns with cooperative principles.
  • Navigating Regulatory Landscapes: Cooperatives must comply with the regulations governing public companies, which can be complex and demanding.

Stay in touch

To learn more about how Coop Exchange plans to build financial solutions tailored to coops, please contact us at

Please note that the content of this page is for general information and educational purposes only. In so far as it relates to Coop Exchange’s potential services these relate to a future state once the Coop Exchange platform is launched and appropriately regulated. The information is not provided, and should not be construed as the provision of financial advice, the promotion of an investment product. or dealings or arrangements in investments. Investments bring risk and so anyone wishing to invest (whether in coops equities, debt or other securities) should first obtain appropriate advice from an authorised person before doing so, please see also our Regulatory Notice.